How To Lose 6 lbs in 14 Days (How To Lose Weight Fast)

If you’ve been struggling to shed off some pounds, you definitely understand how tiring and frustrating the process can be. You’ve heard it all, tried it all, and are just about at the point of giving up

Except you can’t. And you shouldn’t.

Being overweight is becoming more and more common these days. We lead busier lives, eat increasingly larger portions of less healthy food, and generally can’t find the time to schedule in as much exercise as we should be. Forget actually being able to find the time, or really the motivation to go to the gym.

But what we do know, is that this is not okay, and something really needs to be done.

I know first hand what it feels like to be out of breath when walking up a road that inclines slightly. How I ask about stairs before visiting a place. 

I know what it is like to make excuses for myself, urging everyone else to go on and have fun, while I take in the scenery. And by scenery, I mean catch my breath, cool down, and think if whatever it is at the end of this walk, is it really that amazing? How bad would it be if I just missed it.

If you're not familiar with the 2 week diet, you can check it out by clicking here and go to the official website.

Sounds familiar ?

Admitting You Need a Change

In America alone, two in every three adults and one in every six children are either overweight or obese. The problem (of being overweight or obese) doesn’t discriminate by gender either. It affects both men and women, although women have a higher prevalence rate of 40% compared to men’s 35%.

What those numbers really say, is that weight management is a big issue in the modern society. I’m saying that out of my own first hand experience.

Up until a few months ago, I was this overweight person who was utterly uncomfortable in my own skin. I hated my weight, how it hung on my height, my lack of choices in clothes, and basically everything about my size.

Plus there was always that lingering reality that an overweight or obese person is at a higher risk of suffering from related illnesses including :
My point here is that I know I was living on borrowed time. I don’t want to scare you in any way but if you are also overweight or obese, you too are living on borrowed time. Losing weight is no longer a matter of looks, but a life and death matter.

But what am I saying? You probably know this. You have probably tried weight loss programs, fad diets, and even crash diets. Losing weight can be extremely frustrating, and it super doesn’t help that a good number of the diet, fitness, and general lifestyle ‘solutions’ suggested by the so called ‘experts’ are nothing more than scams meant to rob those who are serious about weight loss and management.

I’ve been there, I get it. But I wasn’t about to give up on my health, my life. In my frustration, I stumbled upon what Brian Flatt calls the ‘2 Week Diet’. 

Yes another diet, and I’ll be honest, I was skeptical at first.

Until I saw my pants not leaving creases into my belly anymore and the pounds actually flying off. It was the lifeline I was looking for.

So who is Brian Flatt and why is his opinion important here? We will look at that a little bit later, but for now, let’s delve into the ‘2 Week Diet' and see what it’s all about.

What Is The 2 Week Diet?

Let’s start off with the big question, the one that’s on your mind, the one that was on mine, and let's assume the one that's on everyone’s mind.

Is it actually possible to lose weight in just two weeks?

The answer is Yes. If you’re willing to stick up and embark on the right rapid weight loss programs, your body will react quickly, and you will see the pounds disappear.

As its name suggests, the ‘2 Week Diet' is a 14-day weight loss system that is packed with proven diet and exercise routines that can help pretty much anybody lose excess weight and improve their health.

Not only does it aim to help you shed pounds, but it makes sure you do it in a healthy way, and to maintain your new slimmer figure. That means, once you’ve lost the weight, it’s not going to just come right back, like with so many crash diet programs.

How is the Two Week Diet Different?

Most weight loss products in the health and fitness industry are designed for you to see results, but not for them to stick. Maybe you’re familiar with these fad diets, or maybe you’ve even experienced this yourself.

They do this for a very simple reason – the creators want you to keep spending money, which translates to more money for them. This leads to the belief that diets don’t work. But that’s just not true.

If you look at the nitty-gritty of weight loss you will see that it is, in fact, possible to lose weight in 7 to 14 days; which is exactly what the ‘2 Week Diet' will help you to achieve.

It comes with handbooks that explain all that in details. There are several sections that talk about how your metabolism works and how it breaks down different types of foods like fat, carbohydrates, fruits, fiber, proteins, and much more. At the heart of your battle with excess weight, you will learn how to target the stubborn extra fat in your body, and kick start the process for the less stubborn areas as well.

Once you understand how different foods are broken down and how metabolism occurs, you will be able to take control of your own health and diet plan. You’ll discover which foods you can eat without packing excess fat, and those that are likely to hinder your weight loss efforts because they are stored as stubborn fat in your body, even after metabolized.

Long story short, your nutrition affects your rate of metabolism, which in turn affects your body’s ability to store fat; and the more fat your body stores, the harder it will be to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. So by knowing what to include in your diet, you will have a realistic solution to your weight concerns.

This, and much more, is the kind of handy information that the ‘2 Week Diet' puts at your fingertips. It also incorporates the exercises that you can combine with your dietary regimen for more effective results.

Program Overview

Simply put, the ‘2 Week Diet' is a well-rounded guide that seeks to help anyone who wants to start losing weight, with noticeable results, in just 14 days. The guide places emphasis on diet and exercise, both of which help the body metabolize and burn excess fat.
The 2 Week Diet
Who Created the 2 Week Diet?

The ‘2 Week Diet' system was created by Brian Flatt. You may or may not have heard of him.

No stranger to the health and fitness industry, he has his own fitness company in Southern California where celebrities work out. He is also a highly regarded career nutritionist who has reviewed well over 500 health and fitness books and studies.

It is through such reviews that Flatt was able to learn of, and draw out the best proven ideas to create a no-nonsense practical and effective weight loss regimen.

His first program – the 3 Week Diet – was a massive success. He realized, though highly successful, there were people who were struggling with weight issues that required a faster solution. Sometimes, losing weight comes with an urgency that needs to be addressed immediately. This is especially true if you need to lose weight for health reasons or suffering from diabetes, joint problems, or having trouble breathing.

That desire pushed him to create the ‘2 Week Diet'.

Who Can Use The Program?

Let’s face it, there’s nothing good about having excess weight. That is why a program that can help people lose some pounds quickly is always welcomed. I know it was for me anyway.

In summary, and to put it plainly, the ‘2 Week Diet' is perfect for you, if you are serious about weight loss and are looking to start shedding off that excess fat within a very short period of time, but without making drastic changes to your dietary and exercise routines. That makes it ideal for anybody who is struggling with overweight and obesity issues.

That said, the program is also great for those who simply want to maintain a lean and fit figure because it comes with handy information on how not to gain excess weight. So you don’t necessarily have to be overweight or battling obesity to subscribe to this program.

Unlike many other weight loss programs, you will see the results quickly. This is the main barrier for sticking to a diet program for most people. You follow the schedule, you do the exercises, you’re making all the right choices, but you’re still not seeing any difference. This lack of change dampens your motivation, and eventually causes you to give up.

With other programs the results take too long to show, and even when they finally start losing some weight it happens very slowly.

One of the beauties of this program is that it works opposite to the scenario above. You see your body changing, you see the program working, and it will up your motivation to stick with it all the way through the two week mark.

You Don’t Have To Give Up Your Favorite Foods!

Another thing that makes it very hard for people to stick to fitness programs is the fact that most of them tend to forbid us from enjoying the things we like most.

Such diet programs are synonymous with instructions like ‘don’t eat carbs’, ‘stay away from fats’, ‘try fasting and starvation’, ‘bury yourself in workouts’, and many other rules that are just too hard to stick to. I can tell you right now, that sounds miserable.

What Flatt discovered is that such mantras are nothing more than torture to your physical and mental being, and you can totally lose weight without sticking to them. The secret is to keep track of your body’s metabolism. Know the rate at which it burns different foods and then base your diet so that it can metabolize effectively in a natural way.

In simpler terms, eat as many calories as you wish, as long as your body can burn them. Remember that it is totally okay to supplement your body’s ability to burn calories with exercises. But again, you don’t have to push yourself to the point of exhaustion, or carve out hours in your daily routine in the name of cutting weight and staying fit.

How the 2 Week Diet Works

The ‘2 Week Diet' is based on some basic health and fitness principles that have worked for centuries, but have been forgotten in our day and age. Brian Flatt, an expert in the field, has organized the program into simple-to-follow steps that anyone can follow.

There is also additional information to help you during the course of the program. For example, you will learn about the types of foods that are good for your metabolism, and how you can trigger your body to start burning the excess calories immediately.

What exactly are the steps included in this system?

We strongly encourage that you make a purchase and learn everything in detail, but here’s a sneak preview, hopefully, it satisfies some of your curiosity:

Colon cleansing recommendation: other than keeping diseases away, a clean and healthy colon is also key to proper digestion. So how does that relate to weight? Well, if your digestive tract is effective it will be efficient at making sure excess food is marked as waste, rather than storing it as fat in the belly. This is one reason why people who do colon cleanses rarely have big bellies.
Diet plan: a good diet will help you burn a lot of fat through natural metabolism. The suggested diet plans do not eliminate foods that contain carbs and fats completely, but they do give you real and practical ways of regulating their intake.
Cardio workouts: of course a weight loss regimen wouldn’t be complete without some physical exercises. But don’t be scared, the ‘2 Week Diet' only contains fun-to-do exercises like swimming and brisk walking. These simple activities are some of the most ignored workouts, yet they can help you lose as many as 15 pounds in a matter of days. Talk about effectiveness!
Willpower and motivation: just so we are clear, this program is not a magic pill, you will still need to put in some effort if you want the best results. The good news is that Brian Flatt incorporated a motivational section to help you through the whole course. If you are really serious about weight loss, you can even get one-on-one sessions with Flatt himself. That’s an opportunity that not many people who are trying to lose pounds get. You can bet he will fill you in on some personalized and insightful tricks on how to get the job done faster and effectively.

The ‘2 Week Diet' revolves around two things: diet and exercise. The recommended diet plans have scientific backing and you can be sure that they will help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism.

Incorporating exercises will accelerate your weight loss progress even further. You don’t need to strain yourself to see results, just a few 20 to 30-minute exercises (per day) are sufficient. All this and more in a simple to read, easy-to-follow format so you can start making a difference in your health now.

Does Brian Flatt’s System Deliver?

Yes, it does.

With the ‘2 Week Diet', you can lose anywhere between 10 and 20 pounds in just 14 days. Just 14 days!

If you are serious about weight loss, you don’t need to look anywhere else, this is the ideal solution. You will get all the resources that you need to lose weight fast and safely, and also to maintain your new weight.

Most other diet programs don’t come with follow up guidance that helps you maintain your new, lean, and sexy look. That accounts for the reason why a good number of people usually gain back the weight they lost during the program within a very short period of time.

With the ‘2 Week Diet', you don’t have to worry about that. It contains the best practices for both losing and maintaining a healthy weight.

What’s Included in the Package?

The ‘2 Week Diet' comes as a full package deal that contains the following booklets:

1) The Launch Handbook

This is a great place to start the course, as this booklet introduces you to the science behind gaining and losing weight. Brian Flatt explains why other diet plans fail, and what makes the ‘2 Week Diet' different.

2) The Diet Handbook

This one contains practical ways of implementing your new diet routine. There are no umbrella suggestions. Instead, you will learn what to eat and what to avoid, depending on the uniqueness of your body. Remember that our bodies have varying capabilities in metabolism, which explains why this handbook is as personal as it can possibly get.

3) The Activity Handbook

This is where you get the exercise recommendations. By the time you get to this level, you will be learning how to melt that excess fat, literally by working out. Flatt recommends that you limit yourself to the exercises that you are capable of handling without straining yourself or your tissues. Even by doing this, you will still lose weight consistently. There’s even a comprehensive gym workout plan for gym enthusiasts.

4) The Motivation Handbook

Weight loss is just as much about your mindset as it is about what you eat and how you exercise. With a positive mind and some motivation, you can achieve what many people think is impossible. That is why Flatt added this booklet to help you generate a positive mindset and keep you going. If at any time you feel like giving up you can always turn to it for some inspiration.

Pros of the 2 Week Diet

So far you can see clearly that the ‘2 Week Diet' is a well-designed system that can help you lose excess weight very easily and safely. If you adhere to it, you can shed 10 to 20 pounds. While that is the biggest advantage of subscribing to this program, it is not the only one. Here are a few more:

  • Written in very simple and easy-to-understand language for all audiences.
  • You will lose weight evenly across your entire body.
  • The system is based on universally proven scientific facts.
  • Works for both men and women of all ages.
  • Weight loss happens consistently over the 2 weeks, so chances are there won’t be any stretch marks afterward.
  • After losing weight you will learn how to maintain your lean body in the long run.
  • The system enjoys very positive reviews from users who have tried it.
  • Packaged in pdf format, meaning you can access the materials instantly on pretty much any modern device, whether it is a computer or mobile device.
  • Comes with a 60-day refund policy, no questions asked.
Cons of the 2 Week Diet

As they say, every good thing has its downsides. The ‘2 Week Diet' is no exception, and that is why we have a few cons for your consideration :
  • Rapid weight loss is not really dangerous, but you must approach it with some caution. A sudden change in your physical features, like weight, can have some unanticipated ripple effects. That is why you are always advised to seek medical help if you notice anything strange that is not related to losing weight.
  • Most of the material is packaged handbooks. Although they are very easy to read and understand, some people enjoy more visual lessons (especially when it comes to exercises). Fear not, you will already be familiar with most of the exercises, or if you need a little reminder, you can easily find instructional videos online.

With a one-time payment of $37 dollars, you can get the full package today. No additional purchases, monthly payments, or hidden charges. The ‘2 Week Diet' usually goes for $97.

Refund and Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the ‘2 Week Diet' system for any reason you can ask for a refund. It is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee with no questions asked.

With this guarantee you literally have nothing to lose, except the weight you’ll be shedding.
Get Yours Today

There’s no question the ‘2 Week Diet' offers a huge potential for self-improvement for anybody who is looking to lose some weight. However, like any other lifestyle program, anybody who attempts this system should be willing to commit to it fully to get the best results.

Having helped so many people already, the ‘2 Week Diet' may be your perfect solution for weight loss, whether you are struggling with obesity, are overweight, or you simply want to get that sexy body back. The information that Brian Flatt has compiled will help you choose your ideal diet and exercise routines for both now, and a very long time to come.

This program isn’t just a 2-week plan, it’s a long term investment in your life, health, and happiness.

Start today and be one day closer to being done. If so, you’ll see a radical difference with just 13 more days.

The 2 Week Diet
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