How Does Guava Help You Lose Weight?

Guava is a sweet and heavenly organic product developed in tropical atmospheres. This occasional natural fruit, scientifically known as Psidium guajava, is round or pear-molded and is light green, yellow or maroon in shading when it matures. The regular sorts of guava incorporate apple guava, yellow-fruited cherry guava, strawberry guava, and red apple guava. It is for the most part eaten crude (ready or semi-ready) or devoured as juice, sticks, and jams.

Guava’s accepted to have begun from Mexico or Central America. It is currently exceptionally mainstream in Asian nations and is likewise progressively accessible in American nations, especially after its medical advantages have been uncovered. What makes guava extraordinary is that it is used for weight loss. Guava leaves are beneficial for weight loss and boost metabolism.

The Red Tea Detox
How Guava Leaves helps to lose weight?
  • There are only 14 grams of carbohydrates in an averagely sized guava, which makes it an exceptional diet choice for those trying to only eat foods that are on a low carb diet
  • There are only 55 calories in each fruit, but it also offers a lot of nutrition in return, which makes it an excellent food choice for dieters trying to limit their calorie intake
  • Guavas contain a very small amount of fat at .95 grams, but it is the healthy kind that supports brain, nerve function and the health of the nerves that govern your endocrine system and guts
  • Just one guava has the Vitamin C of four oranges, which helps to fight inflammation and keeps all of the systems of the body disease-free and in working order
  • Guavas are rich in phytochemicals that help maintain cellular health over the long term, thus helping to prevent weight gain due to aging issues.
  • They are a rich source of the B vitamins, including B1, B3, B6 and folate which helps diminish brain, improve gut functions and optimizes your metabolism so that carbohydrates are turned into fuel instead of stored as fat
  • Guavas are one of the richest sources of easily digested fiber that helps clear waste and toxins from the digestive system,
  • They are very high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and kidney function and trims inches from your waist because it reduces bloating
  • Guavas contains high amounts of iron and magnesium, which are needed to keep your nervous system and hair healthy while you are on a diet
  • Guavas are very high in the mineral copper, which assists with the regulation of hormones and the proper functioning of the thyroid
  • Guava is very filling, which helps cut cravings for sweeter or saltier treats between meals
  • Guava assists with the absorption of nutrients, thus helping you to work out longer, and with more stamina, and build the kind of lean muscle that helps you burn fat even when your body is at rest
  • Guavas have an astringent quality that helps tighten loose skin tissue, which is important if you are losing weight quickly and also helps to fight inflammation that occurs all over the body
  • The natural disinfectants and astringent quality of guava helps treat inflamed intestines and reduce histamine reactions to food and bloating due to gas
  • Guava is a natural blood thinner that thins the blood and reduces blood sugar, thus helping all of your bodily processes to speed up and repair themselves
The Red Tea Detox

How is a tea made from Guava leaves promote weight loss?
  • The leaves have a property that acts a natural carb blocker, preventing complex starches from being into sugar, thus making it easier for those with and without metabolic disorders to lose lots of weight
  • It contains tannins that help kill bacteria and parasites that might be lurking in your intestines, creating mucus that blocks your body from getting the nutrients it needs
  • The beverage fights insulin resistant conditions, such as Type II diabetes, that can cause water retention and weight gain
  • The tea leaves contain a natural antiseptic that helps treat any skin breakouts that might occur as the result of rapid detoxification from dieting

How to Make Guava leaves Tea with Cinnamon Powder?
  • 4 Fresh or Dried Guava Leaves
  • Half spoon of Cinnamon powder or a small stick of it
  • Take 1 glass of water and keep it to boil in a pan.
  • Add guava leaves and cinnamon powder in it and let them boil along for 10 minutes.
  • Filter the tea.
  • Cinnamon is already famous for losing weight.
The Red Tea Detox


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